- August 2024: I am co-organizing the 3rd Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning Frontiers @ NeurIPS-24.
- July 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Qiang Yao for completing his successful PhD journey and start his career as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Oakland University! Dissertation: Designing for Reliability: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.
- July 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Chengyin Li for completing his successful PhD journey and start his career as a staff scientist at Henry Ford Health! Dissertation: Novel Transformer Architectures for 3D Multi-modal and Multi-organ Medical Image Segmentation.
- July 2024: The paper entitled "Fairness-aware Vision Transformer via Debiased Self-Attention" first authored by my student Qiang Yao has been accepted by ECCV-24.
- June 2024: I am serving on a NIH study section again.
- May 2024: I am excited to participate in NSF Workshop on Envisioning Open Research Resources for AI.
- May 2024: I am serving on a NSF CISE panel again.
- April 2024: Congratulations to Chengyin Li on winning the prestigious Michael E. Conrad Award!
- April 2024: Our AI for mobility and future of work research was featured on Detroit PBS.
- March 2024: The MS AI program I created in collaboration with ECE and ISE departments is ranked #20 in the nation by TechGuide.
- March 2024: I am serving on a NIH study section.
- Feb 2024: Our recent work learns to poison LLMs during instruction tuning!
- Feb 2024: I am serving on a NSF CISE panel.
- Jan 2024: Our paper titled: Benchmark and Neural Architecture for Conversational Entity Retrieval from a Knowledge Graph is accepted by ACM TheWebConf-24, accept rate is 806/4,028 = 20.2%.
- Jan 2024: Our paper titled: Traumatic Data: Applying Trauma-Informed Design to Data Donation of Sexual Violence Experiences to Improve Sexual Risk Detection AI is accepted by ACM CHI-24, accept rate is 1,060/4,028 = 26.3%.
- Dec 2023: I gave an invited talk at National Science Foundation, titled "Towards Trustworthy AGI in the Era of Foundation Models – Opportunities, Risks, and Vision”.
- Dec 2023: Our paper titled: MFABA: A More Faithful and Accelerated Boundary-based Attribution Method for Deep Neural Networks is accepted by AAAI-24, accept rate is 2,342/12,100 = 23.75%.
- Dec 2023: I serve as a meta-reviewer for AI ethics track at International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24).
- Nov 2023: Our recent work on fine tuning Segment Anything Model (SAM) for automated mobility infrastructure segmentation is available on arxiv.
- Oct 2023: Our recent work uncovers the vulnerabilities of Large Language Model (LLM) from a novel lens of Adversarial In-Context Learning!
- Aug 2023: I serve as a meta-reviewer for Robustness & Trustworthiness track at the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24).
- June 2023: The paper titled "FocalUNETR: A Focal Transformer for Boundary-aware Prostate Segmentation using CT Images" first authored by my student Chengyin Li has been accepted by MICCAI-23, accept rate is 740/2,250 = 32%.
- May 2023: Congratulations to Yao Qiang on winning the prestigious Michael E. Conrad Award!
- April 2023: I was recommended for the promotion to full professor, effective Aug. 17 2023!
- April 2023: The paper entitled "Negative Flux Aggregation to Estimate Feature Attributions" first authored by my student Xin Li has been accepted by IJCAI-23, accept rate is 685/4,566=15%.
- April 2023: Our position paper titled "ChatGPT- a promising generative AI tool and its implications on cancer care" published in Cancer.
- April 2023: I am giving an invited talk on Enhancing Algorithmic Fairness in Deep Learning at Department of Computer Science and Engineering of University at Buffalo.
- April 2023: I am served as a panelist on the workshop on Fairness in Machine Intelligence for Global Health 2023.
- March 2023: I am co-organizing 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning (AdvML) at ICML-2023!
- Feb 2023: I served as a topic editor for Evolution in Statistical Genetics and Methodology at Frontiers in Genetics journal.
- Feb 2023: I served as a meta-reviewer for AI ethics track at International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23).
- Jan 2023: I gave an invited talk on Enhancing Algorithmic Fairness in Deep Learning at Department of Statistics and Probability of Michigan State University.
- Jan 2023: I created the new online MS Program in Computer Science with concentration on AI.
- Dec 2022: I received a NIH R33 grant (MPI) in developing a chatbot to acquire social, clinical and molecular determinants for personalized on-device MIS-C risk assessment, total amount is $1,449,684.
- Dec 2022: I received a NSF Convergence Accelerator grant (co-PI) in learning geospatial features and developing human-centered AI for enhancing mobility equity for persons with disabilities, total amount is $613,621.
- Nov 2022: The paper entitled "Learning Compact Features via In-Training Representation Alignment" first authored by my student Xin Li has been accepted by AAAI-23, accept rate is 1,721/8,777=19.6%.
- Nov 2022: I gave an invited talk on Empowering Explainable Machine Learning through the Lens of Adversarial Robustness and Fairness at Computer Science and Engineering Department of Michigan State University.
- Sept 2022: Trustworthy AI paper titled "AttCAT: Explaining Transformers via Attentive Class Activation Tokens." first authored by my student Mr. Yao Qiang has been accepted by NuerIPS-22, accept rate is 2,665/10,411 = 25.6%.
- Aug 2022: I received a NSF HCC grant (PI) in leveraging AI for better cyber-social behavior via enhancing trust in data donation from users, total amount is $600,000.
- Aug 2022: I created the new Master program in AI (Algorithms and Systems Track) hosted by Computer Science department. Interested students please contact me for further info.
- June 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Xin Li for completing his successful PhD journey! Dissertation: Adversarial Machine Learning for Advanced Medical Imaging Systems.
- June 2022: My student Mr. Chengyin Li's first first-author machine learning paper on privacy-aware and resource-constraint EV charging recommendation algorithm titled "Coupling User Preference with External Rewards to Enable Driver-centered and Resource-aware EV Charging Recommendation" accepted by ECML-PKDD 2022, accept rate is 242/932 = 26%.
- May 2022: I am giving a Keynote Speech at Adversarial Machine Learning towards Advanced Vision Systems (AMLAVS) workshop @ACCV-2022.
- April 2022: Trustworthy AI paper titled "Counterfactual Interpolation Augmentation (CIA): A Unified Approach to Enhance Fairness and Explainability of DNN." first authored by my student Mr. Yao Qiang has been accepted by 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22), accept rate is 680/4535 = 15%.
- April 2022: I am honored and pleased to be selected to receive the "College of Engineering Excellence in Research" Award. Thanks to the department of computer science and college of engineering for your support!
- March 2022: One of the collaborative work on "Deep learning protocol for improved photoacoustic brain imaging" has been recognized as a top cited article in Journal of Biophotonics (Certificate).
- March 2022: I am co-organizing 1st Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning (AdvML) at ICML-2022! Program focuses on new theory/algorithm/application stack of AdvML and Trustworthy ML (Poster). Submission deadline: May 23 2022.
- March 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Deng Pan for completing his successful PhD journey! Dissertation: Interpretable Machine Learning and Applications.
- Jan 2022: Announcements - two fully funded PhD student positions in machine learning research available in Fall 2022! Strong background in mathematics and programming are desirable. Contact me with CV, transcripts, and/or publications.
- Dec 2021: New tenure-track faculty position available @ Wayne State CS - preferred qualification in machine learning and AI.
- Nov 2021: I am giving an invited talk titled "Robust and Explainable Machine Learning Algorithms for Social Good" at Department of Computer and Data Sciences at Case Western Reserve University.