Selected Recent Publications (entire period)

Pre-Prints (my student as the first author)

Foundational AI/Machine Learning Research (my student as the first author)

Use-Inspired AI Research (my student as the first author)

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology 

Selected Federal Funding

  1. NIH/R33HD105610: Severity Predictors Integrating salivary Transcriptomics and proteomics with Multi neural network Intelligence in SARS-CoV2 infection in Children (SPITS MISC), 01/01/2023-12/31/2025. Role: MPI, $1,449,684, 33%.
  2. NSF/ITE 2235225: NSF Convergence Accelerator Track H: Leveraging Human-Centered AI Microtransit to Ameliorate Spatiotemporal Mismatch between Housing and Employment for Persons with Disabilities. 12/15/2022 - 11/30/2023, Total amount: $613,621, Role: co-PI (25%)
  3. NSF/IIS 2211897: Collaborative Research: HCC: Small: Understanding Online-to-Offline Sexual Violence through Data Donation from Users. 10/01/2022-09/30/2025, Total amount: $600,000, Role: PI (33%). 
  4. NIH/R61HD105610: Severity Predictors Integrating salivary Transcriptomics and proteomics with Multi neural network Intelligence in SARS-CoV2 infection in Children (SPITS MISC), 01/01/2021-12/31/2023. Role: MPI, $1,433,469, 33%. 
  5. NSF/CNS 2043611: SCC-CIVIC-PG Track A: Leveraging AI-assist Microtransit to Ameliorate Spatiotemporal Mismatch between Housing and Employment. 01/01/2021-06/30/2021. Role: PI, $49,892, 25%.
  6. NSF/CCF 1637312: S&CC: Promoting a Healthier Urban Community: Prioritization of Risk Factors for the Prevention and Treatment of Pediatric Obesity. 09/01/2016-08/31/2018. Role: Co-PI, $199,996, 33%.
  7. NSF/IIS 1724227: S&AS: INT: Autonomous Battery Operating System (ABOS): An Adaptive and Comprehensive Approach to Efficient, Safe, and Secure Battery System Management. 09/01/2017-08/31/2021. Role: Senior Personnel, $1,249,998, 10%.
  8. NSF/CCF 1451316: EAGER: A novel algorithmic framework for discovering subnetworks from big biological data. 08/15/2014-08/14/2017. Role: PI, $174,998, 100%.
  9. NIH/R21LM010137: A new informatics paradigm for reconstructing signaling pathways in human disease. 09/2009 – 08/2012. Role: Sole PI, $499,823, 100%.
  10. NSF/CCF 0939108: CPATH: A verification based learning model that enriches CS and related undergraduate programs. 10/01/2009-09/30/2012, Role: Co-PI, $300,000, 25%.


  1. CORREP: a Bioconductor package to estimate correlation between two variables with replicates.
  2. GeneNT: a R package to estimate co-expression gene networks.
  3. SAMMate: a GUI system for transcriptome assembly and quantification using RNA-Seq (A popular software in its field: 7000+ downloads, used by researchers from all over the world and cited by papers published in Nature Genetics, PNAS, Genome Research etc.)
  4. TEAK: a GUI system for Topological Enrichment Analysis frameworK.
  5. dSpliceType: a Java-based tool to detect various types of differential splicing events using RNA-Seq.

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